The Twist


Students: Piergiorgio Mastrobuono, Maria Giuseppina Mottola, Antonietta Tamburrino



The Ascione Museum

A short story of the firm
The Ascione firm dates back to 1855, late in the reign of Ferdinand II of Bourbon, when Giovanni Ascione (1834-1908), a very young man at the time, decided to start a business for the


The Museum of Capodimonte

With the coming of Charles of Bourbon (1734-1759), the son of Philip V of Spain and Elisabetta Farnese, Naples returned to be the capital of an independent Kingdom.

On Capodimonte Hill, Charles commissioned to Antonio Medrano a monumental palace, immersed


The Royal Palace of Caserta

The Royal Palace of Caserta was built at the instigation of King Charles of Bourbon, founder of the Bourbon dynasty of Naples. The palace was part of a project of political reorganisation which provided for the creation of a new


Cerreto Sannita Civic and pottery Museum

Opened to the public in 1995, the Museum documents the ceramics art tradition flourished in Cerreto after the 1688 earthquake. Notoriously, from XVI century, the antisexual culture of Spain at the time of the Inquisition, more and more present in